Who Is The WaveMaker

ceo thank the wavemaker jon wavemaker black eco friendly recycled embroidered t-shirt skull hands peace out  palm trees miami vibes

Mission Statement

To encounter The WaveMaker, so humanity will know they are created to create. To restore our beaches and oceans; as well as our bodies (physical/spiritual) back to it's original design. 



About Us

The intrinsic nature of Thank The WaveMaker (TTWM) is embodied in freedom. Not the "freedom" that leads to conformity, but a freedom that allows you to enjoy the sun, surf and sand. The freedom that leaves you frothing for "one more wave." 

A freedom that when collided with creativity birthed Thank The WaveMaker.

Our Story

thank the wavemaker ceo jon wavemaker with baby girl about me surf brand eco friendly recycled clothing brand

Founder Jonathan Wavemaker started Thank The WaveMaker (TTWM) back in October 2013, in Melbourne Beach Florida. At first it went by BrOcean Devotion, and started out as a small group of guys who wanted to get together every Saturday morning to watch the sunrise on the beach, and surf. It began to gain momentum, and this small group of people began to grow, and the name changed to Thank The WaveMaker just a few short months later. The passion and focus was to teach people to surf, give people hope and help them find peace. TTWM went on hiatus in 2015, but Jonathan’s impact on the community, and the youth and young adults in the community still continued until 2018. 


Seasons changed and Jonathan found himself with his family in the middle of Windermere, Florida (where beaches were at least 90 minutes away) It was here where his passion led him to a job working with people from all around the world as a FlowRider Instructor for a resort in the area. This was the closest thing to surfing that he could find. Day in and day out he was able to do what he loved, be in water, get his feet on a board, and impact lives. It was here where his understanding for healthier living took hold. Such as:

Eating cleaner (plant based living) 

Fasting (for health and spiritual reasons) 

Sustainable Living (becoming more earth-conscious)

Most importantly, Jonathan learned who the WaveMaker really is; and that the WaveMaker created us to create. There was a freedom in that, and all the creative flow that he had began to pour out. In the beginning there was sketches; then the artwork began to flow. Jonathan began to make art out of anything he could get his hands on. 

A few months later, Jonathan, his wife (Nora) and his two boys (Chayce and Navi) found themselves in Sarasota Florida. Jonathan knew it was time to start what had been on his heart since 2013, and that was to love people, and encourage them to find their creative flow.


Thank The WaveMaker has since launched with the goal of inspiring creativity,  finding cool gear that is earth friendly, getting involved with local organizations to encourage keeping the beaches clean, encourage healthy eating and habits, and looks forward to growing to a place where TTWM can sponsor and promote athletes who participate in any and every board sport. 

So come catch the wave, and remember to Thank The WaveMaker!


Want to connect or have questions, drop a line

